Signs The Law Of Attraction Is Working

1. Day Dreams

When your intuition is sharpening, you know it. For example, you might start to stare off in class or in meetings.

Everyday you become aware of a new lesson.

The visions of day dreaming may or may not stick with you. This is not important.

Your time day dreaming is setting intentions through vibration. Your intentions keep your life in a constant state of creation. 

Day dreams are fun!

I would always encourage day dreaming when I was a teacher. I knew how good it was for my students. 🙂

2. Wanting to rest more

When you are starting to become more spiritually aware you want to do less.

Doing less allows you time to step into a pure vibration.

Your inner being can easily get across messages or images to you while in a restful state.

Therefore, while in a restful state it is easy to practice high vibration because you can focus on one thing at a time.

Your focus is key when manifesting because it is about the intention of thoughts and feelings.

3. Better Sleep, and Deeper Dreams

So, When you are applying the Law of Attraction you will notice you are sleeping longer and deeper.

This is because sleep takes you to a place of high vibration.

The vibration during sleep is the pure connection to source. In addition, to a great place to rejuvenate!

So, when starting your spiritual journey remember to rest and get more sleep!

4. The Appearance of Spirit Guides

Are there certain symbols, animals, or numbers that mean something special to you? Maybe you have noticed certain images on T.V or people saying a thought you were thinking. All of these are signs of spiritual awaking! 

Guides, come in all forms. When become aware of the signs is when we are coming in high vibration.

Therefore, noticing things around you is a great way to connect with loved ones and our inner being! 

5. Feeling the need to meditate

Mediation is a vital part to spiritual awaking. We do need to try to meditate!

Meditation happens all the time. When we walk, look outside, day dream. Not just sitting quietly in a room are we meditating. We can connect no matter where we are or who you are with! This is amazing!

Likewise, you can mediate while hiking or even cooking!

You know you are in mediation when you “Zone Out”! This often why people enjoy painting and other forms of art! 

You know Law of Attraction is working for you…

… because you are able to think a thought, feel a feeling and you experience a situation or event that reflects the thoughts and feelings. 

Above all, meditation, is the best form of practicing connection.

So, when you kids spill grape juice on your favorite shirt you can be in Zen state of attracting great things. Instead of a state of rage and other angry feelings. 

In conclusion, become the creator of your own reality!

You will be able to be, do, or have, anything you want!

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