
Let your rainbows of the day come out to play! Try this exercise today:

Imagination Exercise One:

Think a silly thought.

Allow yourself to go one step further.

For example, if you think about the kitty cat the next thought think about a kitty cat wearing a tutu with a cute little princess crown.


Why do this exercise? Doing exercises like this will expand your imagination and allow you to think beyond what you were thinking now. You can get more creative with small exercises like this.


Imagination Exercise Two:

Imagine a color.

Name three things that are associated with that color.

Pick one item you named. In your head describe this item in detail. What it feels like, smells like, textures etc.

How does this exercis help? 

This excerses fouces on the way we start with ne thought and expand upon it. Learning to control your thoughts through practing the sequence of thought patterns help you create the life you want. 

Be creative. Therefore, Expand your Imagination. Learn to think in detail. Have the ability to change thoughts quickly is a great skill for a long and healthy life. However, 

All in all,


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